Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 I love eating it, preparing it, tasting it, creating it and sharing it! (I loathe doing dishes) …
Food is such an important part of our lives! We eat for nourishment, socializing, hunger, flavors, energy etc. What other task is done on a daily basis from 3-6 times a day that needs to be purchased, prepped, cooked, eaten and then cleaned up? NOTHING…Nothing else takes up SO MUCH of our day! It’s no wonder the Fast Food industry is BOOMING! People want what's easy and to save time spent on meals, but what people don’t realize is that it’s slowly killing them….one french fry at a time.
This blog is not to promote being a vegetarian, vegan, an organic freak, or anything else extreme. It’s more about KNOWING what you are putting in your body and what it’s doing to you. It’s either adding years to your life or taking away from them…. My recipes usually have a healthy twist – but I too have my moments. :)                                      

I cook from whole ingredients and avoid packaged food because if you prepare it yourself- you know EXACTLY what you are putting in your body. Most of my meals can be prepped & cooked within an hour’s time , so anyone can do this- no excuses! Eating REAL, WHOLE foods will change your life, how you feel, your energy, your weight, everything!
** Side note: Too much focus is put on DIETS….. Paleo, South Beach, Akins, Dukan, Dash, Cinch, & the 17 day diet. I’m sure some of them will work, for a time, but if you don’t make lifestyle changes you’ll be right back where you started. **
Theses are just some of the things that I LOVE: Nutrition, Recipes, Juicing, Micro Nutrients, Supplements and whatever else deemed and REAL & GOOD for your healthiest you!